Is Life Insurance Worth Getting?

Is Life Insurance Worth Getting?

Life insurance is worth getting if you have a family to protect or if you have some financial obligation you need to cover if you die.  For a large number of people, protecting family members from financial hardship is easily done with term life insurance.  Term policies are the cheapest type of life insurance available …

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How are Whole Life Insurance Dividends Calculated?

How are Whole Life Insurance Dividends Calculated?

Reversing the process for calculating the payable dividend on a whole life insurance policy is nearly impossible given the proprietary nature of life insurers.  This said we can use several pieces of information to at least create an approximation on the correctness of the dividend earned on a whole life policy in any given policy …

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2021 Whole Life Insurance Dividend Roundup

2021 Whole Life Insurance Dividend Roundup

With all the major whole life dividend announcements now public (for the most part), we wanted to take some time to review each company and how they plan to enter 2021.  Dividends paid on participating whole life insurance play a crucial role in our everyday life because they are the key driver behind cash-rich whole …

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Memory Test for Life Insurance

Did you know that if you are over 70, and need life insurance, you may be asked to perform a memory test?  Or if you prefer to use fancy life insurance company wording, a cognitive impairment test.

This sort of testing has not been around that long, in fact, it's a relatively new kink in the life insurance underwriting rope.  Keep reading and we're going to share a real-life example with you that will elicit a raised eyebrow at the very least.

Just recently, I had a new client I was working with that needed a permanent life insurance solution for reasons that are laid out in the proceeding paragraphs.

For sake of protecting the privacy of the innocent, let’s call him–Mr. Smith.

Mr. Smith is in his early 70's, 73 to be exact. He has a pension from working in a federal government position and had chosen (years before I ever met him) at his retirement to receive a “life only” pension payout settlement option.

Choosing the single-life option is very common among civil service employees, retired teachers, and union employees to name a few.


Pretty simple actually.

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Can I Borrow Against my Life Insurance?

Can I Borrow Against my Life Insurance?

If you are looking to borrow against your life insurance you have to ensure that you have the correct type of policy and that your policy has cash surrender value.  Once you determine that you have a type of life insurance that permits borrowing and that you have cash value against which you can borrow, …

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Selling Life Insurance from Home

Back in 2011, when the world was very different than today, selling life insurance from home seemed like a crazy idea. How do we know? Because everyone that we spoke with about what we were doing and our idea to work with clients across the country told us it would not work. Those people would …

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Does Whole Life Insurance Rate of Return Matter?

Does Whole Life Insurance Rate of Return Matter?

There are some insurance agents who suggest the rate of return of a whole life insurance policy doesn’t matter.  This curious claim is pervasive within the self-banking (e.g. Infinite Banking®, Bank on Yourself®, etc.) circles.  So with piqued interest, exploring this notion seems appropriate. Does the rate of return not matter?  Is it all a …

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Which Type Of Life Insurance Policy Generates Immediate Cash Value?

If you are searching for the right life insurance policy to generated cash value quickly or even immediately, you will have a couple of different options. But you should be aware that more important than the type of policy—whole life insurance or universal life insurance are going to be the two types—you need to know that policy design and funding will have the greatest impact.

You can purchase the right type of policy and not achieve the desired outcome of growing cash value immediately. The details very much matter when setting up your life insurance policy for the purpose of rapidly building cash value.

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Whole Life Long Term Cash Value

Whole Life Insurance Long Term Cash Value

When buying whole life insurance for its cash value, we generally have a very long term view on the strategy.  Even though someone might want access to the money in the life insurance policy within a few years, we still want to maximize the lifetime value of the dollars committed to whole life insurance. To …

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