3 Legitimate Reasons NOT to Buy Whole Life Insurance

whole life insurance may not always be the best thing

In our last post and podcast episode, we compiled the 5 Reasons Whole Life Insurance is a Bad Idea…According to the InternetTo show you that we are fair and balanced when it comes to the pros and cons, we thought it appropriate to discuss some of the scenarios or circumstance where whole life is legitimately not a great idea.

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5 Reasons Why Whole Life Insurance Is Bad According to the Internet

five reasons why whole life insurance is a bad idea

If you’ve been around the life insurance industry for more than five minutes, it’s pretty likely that you’ve encountered all sorts of reasons as to why whole life insurance is bad. In fact, it’s probably the most maligned of any financial product.

A few days ago, we set out to find the absolute dumbest arguments against whole life insurance. The volume of bad and misleading information is almost astounding.

I say “almost” because, in nearly 20 years of selling whole life insurance, it’s hard to imagine anything that most personal finance gurus hate more. It’s not even that much of a stretch to say that there are some very popular people who’ve built financial-advice-giving empires tearing the product to bits (in theory).

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IPB 119: Musings from Father 401k

It’s not much of a stretch to suggest that the 401k has become the default option for most people to fund their future retirement. For most folks, that’s pretty much the only option offered by their employer–or some iteration of it i.e. 403b, 457, etc. I’m guessing that most of us don’t know much about …

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IPB 117: Why Are Life Insurance Companies Afraid to Communicate?

Why is that life insurance companies seem so reluctant to answer important questions? If you've been in the life insurance biz long enough this is probably one of your many laments. It certainly is for us.

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IPB 116: Life Insurance Policy Loan Pitfalls

Before anyone reads the title for this post/podcast and thinks we've suddenly reversed course on our fondness for cash value life insurance, think again. We've not changed our minds, we're just pointing out a few things that you might like to know in advance if you plan on using policy loans with your whole life insurance or indexed universal life insurance.

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IPB 113: The Stumbling Blunders of Accordia Life Insurance Company aka Global Atlantic

Today’s topic is not so much about the mechanics of everyday life insurance but diverges into the seedy underbelly of the industry and the problems that certain transactions have caused. Well, one particular transaction is in the news as we speak and rightfully so.

We’re revisiting a topic that we covered six years ago, and there was doubt expressed even then. Saying that we predicted it would be wrong, but there was definitely some warranted skepticism.

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IPB 108: Should it be Fee Only vs Commission Financial Advisor?

Today is less about the mechanics of life insurance in the aspect of how it applies to you, but more in how it applies to us. We wanted to dive into the fee only vs. commission financial advisor model, essentially to ask the question: is there a better way? Is one way more virtuous than the other?

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