What is Dividend Paying Whole Life Insurance?

Key Things to Know Dividend-paying whole life insurance, or participating policies, share in the insurance company’s profits, potentially increasing the policy’s cash value and death benefit.  Factors influencing dividend payments include the company’s profitability and policyholder choices regarding dividend options. While dividends are generally tax-free, withdrawals may impact the policy’s overall value. Dividend-Paying Whole Life …

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De-Risk Your Portfolio with Whole Life Insurance

De-Risk Your Portfolio with Whole Life Insurance

We had a really good run with the stock market over the past 10+ years. It seemed like the market was on a nonstop race to higher and higher levels. In fact, many hobbyist investors made unimaginable fortunes by launching blogs and doling out investment advice that largely parroted the long-standing ethos of the now-deceased …

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Why Life Insurance Works so well for Retirement Income

Why Life Insurance Works so well for Retirement Income

Life Insurance used to generate retirement income is a slightly more advanced subject within the world of life insurance and financial planning. The stock jockeys hate it, and the life insurance agents love it. No surprise there. But is there something that life insurance brings to the table that is truly special? Or are you …

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How Does Infinite Banking Fare During High Inflation?

How Does Infinite Banking Fare During High Inflation

With news sources reporting every higher inflation measure–and ample signs of prices increasing across the country–it’s understandable that many people are seeking ways to personally combat the effects of inflation on their lives.  The Infinite Banking crowd appears ready to pounce on this topic and celebrate their ethos as the solution to the problem.  Philosophically, …

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Is Old Whole Life Insurance Better than New Whole Life Insurance?

There’s no secret that continuously low interest rates cause a struggle for life insurers and this can have a negative impact on insurance products that accumulate cash value.  However, lower market interest rates negatively impact all financial tools that use fixed interest rates as a savings mechanism–think certificates of deposit, bonds, and money market accounts.  …

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Evaluating Whole Life Insurance Policies

Why you are Evaluating your Whole Life Insurance Policy all Wrong

When purchasing whole life insurance, the buyer makes a long-term commitment to a strategy and–to a slightly lesser degree–an insurance company.  This notion appears very simple on its face.  It makes sense and we can follow the logic pretty easily, or at least assume we can. But a lot of people struggle with the inter-temporal …

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Historical Whole Life Comparison

Old Whole Life Page 1

Over the course of the past several weeks, we looked at real whole life policies and evaluated their real policy performance.  We specifically looked at cash value accumulation comparing original projections of non-guaranteed values to the actual performance of the policies.  Every policy spans a timeline of around 10 years.  we used internal rate of …

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What is a Life Insurance Dividend?

What is a Life Insurance Dividend?

A life insurance dividend is a non-guaranteed payment from the insurance company to the policy owner representing profits the company earned during the policy year.  Insurance companies often view dividends as a sharing of the surplus created by their insurance activities among policyholders whose insurance contracts generate profits beyond the insurer’s expectations. A dividend also …

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