Modified Endowment Contract: MEC Should You Be Worried?

Modified Endowment Contract

Anyone who has looked into cash value life insurance has probably come across the term Modified Endowment Contract (MEC). Those with flexible premium policies may have noticed a portion of their statements that stipulate whether or not the contract is a Modified Endowment Contract.

You may have even seen numbers indicating the amount of money that can go into a policy before it turns into an MEC. What does it mean, and why do we care? We’ll explain that and more today as we cover MECs in their entirety.

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Life Insurance Company Ratings–Do They Matter?

Modified Endowment Contract

The last few years have certainly seen an unprecedented amount of chaos in the global financial markets. And life insurance companies have not been immune to the aftershocks. We all know that in large part, the turmoil was caused by the collapse of the derivatives market.

All of the financial unrest has lead to a much greater awareness and concern regarding life insurance company ratings, overall financial stability and how the carriers are being overseen by third party rating agencies.

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Cheap Term Insurance? Should we Talk about Banner Life Insurance?

Cheap Term Insurance

If you were to spread sheet quotes from life insurance companies (or have your agent do it) near the top of the list for low price premiums would likely fall a tiny insurance company owned by a massively huge British multi-national, and this tiny life insurer is typically well known for its competitive term rates; this company is the somewhat unique Banner Life Insurance Company.

Banner is a well known competitor in the term quoting game, where it competes quite well with the likes of Genworth, Ohio National, Cincinnati Life, and that other life insurance company with Massachusetts in it's name: Savings Bank Life (SBLI).  But even more enjoyable to Banner is that it's one of the darlings for the term quoting world due to is wide availability to pretty much all of the large life insurance brokerage conglomerates.

You see, unlike Ohio National and Cincinnati Life, Banner–like Genworth and SBLI–focuses its marketing and distribution strategy through large brokerage channels, rather than through smaller, more localized agencies.

In fact, if you run out to Google and search for Banner, you'll find Select Quote–a huge player in the transactional term sales–ranks in Google's top 10 results for Banner Life Insurance as a keyword search term, and we're betting, they really like that.  Legal & General, the large multi-national that owns Banner, is also a strong competitor for cheap term rates in the state of NY, where it's NY version of Banner: William Penn does business.

So is Banner life insurance reviews a great term choice?  Let's find out.

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Prudential Life Insurance-the rock of Newark?

Prudential Life Insurance-the rock of Newark

Today we begin our foray into dissecting all of the different life insurance companies that are available in the market today.  Perhaps more importantly we will review their specific policies and the nuances that lurk within.

The first company we’re going to look at is Prudential life insurance and more specifically we’re going to dig into their Term Essential,Term Elite, and WorkLife 65

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Prudential Joins the Indexed Universal Life World

Prudential Joins the Indexed Universal Life World

Indexed Universal Life has hit the financial world in a big way over the past decade.  It's been loved by many agents and clients, and loathed by stock brokers and insurance companies that didn't have a product.  FINRA has attempted a power grab by making indexed products subject to securities regulation, and lost the fight somewhat badly a few years ago.  Now, the 2nd largest life insurer in the United States Prudential Financial has joined the indexed UL world by introducing PruLife Index Advantage UL.

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Large Term Life Insurance Cases

Large Term Life Insurance Cases

Are you a discerning individual looking for a term life insurance policy?  I don't mean large $1 million, I mean large at the very least $10 million and more.  Think it's crazy?  Remember life insurance companies will right 25-30 times earnings for people in their 20's and 30's so $400,000 in annual income gains admission to the club.

We're talking about you dear Wall St. hot shots.

We know that you're busy buying up cars, real estate, and wrist watches the size of dinner plates to show everyone else how much money you make, so life insurance on the cheap is typically you're approach, for now.

So, does buying buying life insurance and sorting through the term life insurance quoting game differ for you and your special income?

In a word…yes.

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Can Cash Value Life Insurance be a Substantial Retirement Vehicle?

Can Cash Value Life Insurance be a Substantial Retirement Vehicle

Following up on the Cash Value Life Insurance as an Asset Class post, I wanted to spend some time talking about how Cash Value Life Insurance  get's used for retirement and wealth accumulation.

Believe it or not, there's not a lot oversight when it comes to the financial services industry when it comes to what you can and cannot reasonably recommend as long as you don't violate the really big rules.  Like a real estate agent who suddenly turns into a financial and business adviser in order to convince a client to take a 10% haircut on their selling price because he or she wants to close the deal, financial advice can often be driven by someone's need to pay a mortgage, pay down a credit card debt, afford a vacation, etc.  And for the most part, sadly, no one cares.  It's not until someone kills a sacred cow that problems begin to arise.  Put a 65 year old's entire portfolio into midcap stocks, spread that sale around into different funds so as to avoid the sales load breakpoint, and do it all a few days before the dividend date and you'll really upset some people.  Those are concrete examples of big no-no's any compliance officer should be more than capable of thwarting.  These examples are a violation of suitability.  On the topic of cash value life insurance, and its place as a retirement vehicle, the question is one of suitability.  Is it suitable?

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Whole Life Insurance Distributions, the “Whole” Story

Whole Life Insurance Distributions

Life insurance agents love to fight over meaningless figures in an attempt to inflate the importance or attractiveness of their products.  Truth is, current facts and figures aren't going to matter all that much.  I've mentioned before that design is super crucial, and I've also hinted at the notion that there are core attributes that make some products better than other.  There isn't really a blanket list of features regarding these attributes, so a little consulting with a knowledgeable agent is prudent.  To highlight my point, however, I'm going to dive into the topic of policy distributions.  This will become part of many posts discussing different features and why they matter.  Throughout all this, you'll begin to understand why it's difficult to recommend one carrier as better than all the others, as they can be varied in where they are strong (i.e. one size–or carrier–does not fit all).

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