Premium Financing Life Insurance

Premium Financing Life Insurance

Premium financing is a process of borrowing money to pay life insurance premiums.  I know this sounds strange, but there is a perfectly good reason behind the idea.  I’ll forewarn you, however, that this good idea only takes flight among those with substantial assets. Financing life insurance premiums works to minimize the net out-of-pocket cost …

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Life Insurance Companies Love the Estate Tax

Life Insurance Companies Love the Estate Tax

I bet you didn’t know how much the life insurance industry really loves having the estate tax stick around?  Yes indeed…according to a recent report on the fox business channel, life insurance companies spent $60 million in the last six months lobbying for the estate tax to stick around.

Why in the world would they do a crazy thing like that?

Well, you see selling large permanent life insurance policies to people who have estate tax issues is a tried and true business model for life insurance companies.  In fact, the clip from Fox points out that life insurance companies generate a significant amount of revenue as a result of the estate tax sticking around.  They say in the interview that the revenue generated by life insurers is 66% of what the federal government takes in for estate taxes.

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2013, The Estate Tax, and You

2013, The Estate Tax, and You

The Estate Tax is set for a nasty reset come the end of this year if Congress does not act to extend current legislation, or create new. We've steered clear of political discussions on the Insurance Pro Blog, and we still intend to do that. Today's discussion will attempt to be as objective on the topic as possible, and bring our perspective to the table about what a regression to a $1 million dollar exemption and a 55% top marginal rate will mean to you.

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An Introduction to Estate Planning

An Introduction to Estate Planning

Estate planning is a subject that traditionally incites images of stuffy topics that require obtuse attorneys who spend all of their time fascinating over abysmal tax implications.  While this assumption about the topic isn't unwarranted, it's a tad incomplete.  Estate planning is a subject that will infiltrate everyone's life and how you choose to address it will make a dramatic difference in the lives of those who have to deal with your matters once you have passed away.

Today I'm not all that interested in detailing depth, as much as I'm interested in presenting a few key concepts that will hopefully adjust some thinking and make everyone realize that like it or not, all roads lead to estate planning.

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