Dynamic Retirement Income Planning with IUL

IUL Retirement

Indexed universal life insurance has unique features that make it resilient when change becomes necessary. And a lesson all retirees will eventually learn is their plan during retirement will require adjustments. Today I want to highlight the versatility IUL retirement planning brings to a plan specifically focused on how the product accommodates changing needs over …

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Ohio National Whole Life Policy Historical Performance

Ohio National Whole Life Policy Historical Performance

NOTE: We originally published this blog post in 2021. At that time, Ohio National Announced it plans to demutualize and dramatically changed its dividend calculation for whole life insurance policy holders. Since then, the newly acquired company changed its name to AuguStar Life. The policyholder whose policy we used in this analysis decided to cancel …

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Is 10 Pay Whole Life Insurance Any Good?

10 pay whole life insurance may not always be the best options for building cash value

Key Things to Know 10 Pay Whole Life Insurance is a policy that guarantees a death benefit after 10 years of premium payments, making it a cost-effective option for those prioritizing a guaranteed death benefit. While it offers a lower total cost for a guaranteed death benefit compared to longer-term policies, it may not be …

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Why Paid-Up Additions Matter

If I had to pick one, and only one, additional feature of whole life insurance, it is hands down the paid-up additions feature.  Even if I lose the ability to blend death benefit, if I still have the PUA feature, I’m in a position to augment policy value.  This very special aspect of whole life …

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2023 Whole Life Company Asset Yield Trend

2023 Whole Life Insurance Company Yield Trend

A number of years ago, we stopped regularly updating various analyses we performed on the insurance industry. This, of course, brought on questions. What motivated our decision to end this practice? Was there some objective we sought to accomplish by ignoring it? Perhaps the data was no longer supporting our narrative about a strong industry …

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De-Risk Your Portfolio with Whole Life Insurance

De-Risk Your Portfolio with Whole Life Insurance

We had a really good run with the stock market over the past 10+ years. It seemed like the market was on a nonstop race to higher and higher levels. In fact, many hobbyist investors made unimaginable fortunes by launching blogs and doling out investment advice that largely parroted the long-standing ethos of the now-deceased …

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Tax-Free Wealth: Muni Bonds & Life Insurance Strategies

Building a substantial wealth portfolio involves strategic planning and understanding of various financial instruments. Tax-free wealth strategies are essential to this planning, offering avenues to grow your investments while legally reducing taxes. By employing tactics focusing on tax-exempt securities such as municipal bonds and considering life insurance policies with cash value components, you can enhance …

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Bond Inflows Highlight Annuity Strengths and Speak to Inept Investors

With the economic landscape changing dramatically and a “new normal” taking shape in the fixed-interest marketplace, bonds are testing a long-held–but poorly vetted–theory about safety. Ask anyone with a minor interest/proficiency in personal finance about safe assets, and you’ll likely hear something about bonds. They are the asset the investment industry offers up as a …

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