Do You Need to Diversify Your Whole Life Insurance Holdings?

Do You Need to Diversify Your Whole Life Insurance Holdings?

Diversification is a term so deeply intertwined with traditional financial/investment advice that we often think of it as infallible.  If you want to sound intelligent, or at least appear reasonably knowledgeable, make the recommendation that one carefully work to diversify his/her portfolio and there’s a good chance your advice is impervious to criticism.  For the …

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Is Old Whole Life Insurance Better than New Whole Life Insurance?

There’s no secret that continuously low interest rates cause a struggle for life insurers and this can have a negative impact on insurance products that accumulate cash value.  However, lower market interest rates negatively impact all financial tools that use fixed interest rates as a savings mechanism–think certificates of deposit, bonds, and money market accounts.  …

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Evaluating Whole Life Insurance Policies

Why you are Evaluating your Whole Life Insurance Policy all Wrong

When purchasing whole life insurance, the buyer makes a long-term commitment to a strategy and–to a slightly lesser degree–an insurance company.  This notion appears very simple on its face.  It makes sense and we can follow the logic pretty easily, or at least assume we can. But a lot of people struggle with the inter-temporal …

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Bonds Suck! You Should Buy Whole Life Insurance Instead

Bonds Suck! You Should Buy Whole Life Insurance Instead

Following up on the Ernst & Young piece about incorporating whole life insurance and annuities into a retirement plan, we noted that we generally agreed with the observation EY made about whole life insurance and annuities being good substitutes for bonds.  We’ve held this belief for a long time.  But we should quantify what makes …

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Congress Wants to Pillage Your IRA

Congress Wants to Pillage Your IRA

A proposed Bill in the House of Representatives seeks to put new rules and limitations on IRA’s as well as traditional qualified retirement accounts.  This Bill seeks to raise revenues for various government programs in the name of ending a decade’s old practice of “subsidizing retirement savings once account balances reach very high levels.” The …

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