Dividend Recognition is Going to Get Interesting

Dividend Recognition is Going to Get Interesting

Dividend recognition dictates the policy a life insurance company has regarding what it does in the event a policyholder takes a loan out against his/her whole life policy.  If the company practices non-direct recognition then it does not adjust the dividend in the event there is a loan against the policy.  The company pays the …

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How to Protect Yourself When Retiring in a Down Market

How to Protect Yourself When Retiring in a Down Market

Market corrections happen.  Given their frequency, the chances are very high that you will live through a few of them once retired.  This can be a scary prospect for a number of people.  According to Charles Schwab Research, and reported on by Forbes, retirement accounts that cannot keep up with income needs is one of …

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Should You Cancel your IRA to Buy Life Insurance?

Should You Cancel your IRA to Buy Life Insurance?

There are life insurance agents, motivated by various marketing organizations, telling people that their taxes are going up.  Way up.  Mostly because Social Security is bankrupt.  They even have a super assertive and amazingly authoritative person to reference.  David Walker, the former U.S. Comptroller General…he’s been complaining about SSA for years.  In fact, he predicted …

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Whole Life Still Gets Better with Age

Whole Life Still Gets Better with Age

In our 10+ years of talking about life insurance on the internet, we’ve mentioned a few times that cash value life insurance gets better with age.  It’s a simple idea, but it comes with significant implications as we age.  Our vulnerability increases as we get older, and this is when life insurance is at its …

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The Last Word on Ohio National’s Demutualization

The Last Word on Ohio National's Demutualization

Last year, Ohio National Life announced that it was looking to demutualize and be acquired by a Canadian Private Equity-created insurance holdings company named Constellation Insurance Holdings.  While we didn’t predict demutualization was on the table for Ohio National, we weren’t surprised by the announcement.  The company struggled for a few years, and those struggles …

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Lock In Your Success with Life Insurance

We sell life insurance to a variety of people for a handful of reasons, and today I want to highlight one of the common themes involved when someone approaches us about a life insurance purchase. To be sure, there are several reasons why someone might want to buy life insurance.  And when it comes to …

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How to Beat Inflation with Your Savings

How to Beat Inflation with Your Savings

The internet is rife with hot tips on how to beat inflation.  Since a lot of supposed financial media outlets compete with each other for top billing on Google, the majority of these articles are an incestuous party of underwhelming originality–or even actionability if I’m being wholly honest with you.  The free-lancers who dabble in …

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