What About the Paid Up Additions Load Fees?

What About the Paid Up Additions Load Fees?

Paid-up additions are the way to add significant value to a whole life insurance policy.  Used as both an elective rider and a dividend option, this unique feature of whole life insurance will deliver the best bang for your buck with respect to cash value accumulation.  It will also add significantly to your outstanding death benefit …

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Can You Convert Your 401k to Whole Life Insurance?

Should you consider converting a portion of your 401k to whole life insurance?

Most people that are asking about converting funds in their 401k over to a whole life insurance policy are looking for one thing—to convert money that will be taxable at some point (tax-deferred) over to dollars that are tax-free. You can make the conversion but not directly and not without paying taxes. For decades, it …

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What Happens to Your Life Insurance When You Retire?

Do you still need life insurance after you retire?

When you retire, you have the option to continue paying for the life insurance you had while you were working or buying your own policy that is not connected to your employer at all. For most people, the type of group life insurance  (offered at work) that costs almost nothing while working becomes very expensive …

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Sure We’re All Investors Now

Sure We're All Investors Now

The GameStop Reddit short squeeze shows us that it’s possible for a crowd of retail investors to perpetrate stock market manipulation similar to the allegations levied for years against hedge funds.  It’s yet another example of the volatility stocks can possess that makes little practical sense and turns the capital markets from a funding source …

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Should You Buy High Early Cash Value Life Insurance?

You should buy high early cash value life insurance if you have a need or desire to quickly accumulate cash value in your life insurance policy. After reading that, you may be asking yourself, “why wouldn’t everyone want to grow their cash value as quickly as possible?” That’s a fair question and one with a …

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7702 Tax Code Change Boom for the Industry?

7702 Tax Code Change Boom for the Industry?

As the proverbial clock marched towards midnight in 2020 Congress fought over how to deliver a second round of stimulus in the U.S.  The end result was a watered-down version of the legislation passed earlier in the year in terms of cash payments to certain Americans, but the bill contained numerous provisions that, like most …

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What is a Cross Purchase Buy Sell Agreement?

Understand how to use a cross purchase buy sell in your business.

If you own a business, you need a clear template to follow for your buy-sell agreement that details the triggering events, how you will fund it, the agreed-upon value of the business, and the structure of the arrangement. But what’s even more important, is that you need to be sure that you fund the agreement …

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